Now Playing.

A list of personally compiled tunes for the perfect occasion. 

'Murica: this land is yours, this land is mine.
A playlist celebrating how awesome it is to be American.

Is It Summer Yet?: there's something about the summer.

These are songs that capture the essence of summer, in all it's youthful glory.

Beauty of the Night: tonight's the kind of night when everything could change.

It's 4 in the morning and there is still so much to be done. The world is at your feet. Embrace it.

I RULE: I don't care what they say anymore, this is my life.

Because you're more awesome than you think, even when the haters get you down.

Time for an Adventure/For Rebellious Youth: i've got to get away.
For the young at heart that are still looking for an adventure.

Fuck You, Teen Angst: i'm just a little worried about my future.
Songs to release your inner frustration, sadness, longing--whatever it is that's bothering you, these songs will help you come to terms with your teenage emotions.

Eternal Love of the Indie Kind: there'll be love wherever you go.

A playlist chronicling the highs of a relationship. From the early innocence to the fast fall in love.

One Winter: you can't love nothing, till you can love yourself.
For moments when you're feeling infinite.

Driving with the Top Down: the open road is on my back today.

For those times when the road is calling you to take a trip on a summer day.

Hipster Angst: my mind dances and leaps in confusion.
Songs for the times when you're figuring out where you belong and what you stand for.

New York State of Mind: you're big. you're loud. you're tough.
Everybody dreams about coming to New York. These are songs about the greatest city in America.

Pumped Up Jams: better run faster than my bullet.

Need some extreme motivation? These songs will help you get pumped up for whatever it is you have to do, but might not want to.

Beachin' Y'all: a playlist for the times when you want to feel like Gidget.
Summer's not over. And for those haters who think it is, this playlist will keep the feeling of freedom alive.

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